Priest, scholar and friend: symposium honours Prof Austin Cooper OMI

The ministry of the late Rev Prof Austin Cooper OMI had a significant and often transformative impact on the lives of many, not to mention on the landscape of theological education in Australia and beyond...

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What Will We Take?

Like me, I am sure you have all noticed how much more silence there is in these days of isolation and being-at-home. For us city and town dwellers it is more marked than for rural folk. And, as we slowly emerge from...

Is isolation a feeling?

I am feeling isolated. Is this a state, or an emotion? Rather than getting into the semantics of language, I will ask another question: what does isolation feel like? Isolation feels like being stuck on the couch...

John O’Connor

John O'Connor graduated with a Master of Theology (Research) in 2020. His thesis is an exegesis of Luke’s Parable of the Persistent Widow: Luke 18:1–8 in context. "In contrast to what some feminist scholars claim, that...

Living ‘Without God’

During the summer of 1944 – 15 months into a 2-year imprisonment that would end in his execution in the Flossenbürg concentration camp – Dietrich Bonhoeffer told his best friend that the world had reached its adulthood...

Rest amidst the Unrest

Dr Rachelle Gilmour

For those who are overworked during this time of COVID-19, a whole day’s rest sounds an unrealistic luxury. For others, COVID-19 is experienced as a period of complete cessation.

The Pathway Ahead

There is a sign on an Alaskan highway that warns drivers about the limitations facing them ahead. It reads “Choose you rut carefully, as you will be in it for the next 60 miles” reflecting the deep ruts which previous...

Remember Pacifica?

The full archive of Pacifica is now available online through the Library Hub to all members of the University of Divinity community. The University of Divinity’s journal Pacifica was published from 1988-2017. Over the...

Holding Up Half the Sky

Women have played significant roles in ministry and leadership throughout the history of the church and the pages of the Bible. Today, women make up more than half the church, and do much of the mission, ministry, and...

Living Together

During 2020 we have all begun to learn a great deal about the human condition, individually and collectively, locally and globally. The COVID-19 crisis has stripped away many of the protective filters through which we...

Freedom and Love

One of the things that it is easy to forget while “we” are in isolation is that not all of us are so lucky. Those who have been designated “essential” workers have been out and about, putting themselves in potential...

Humanity cannot live by Zoom alone

Rev Associate Professor Darrell Jackson I’ve been pondering this question, prompted by the simple reality that these things happen for a world also wrestling with a global pandemic. The extent of human-to-human...

Normal Service Will Be Resumed

Not “going to church” can make us feel really guilty, especially if we have been brought up that this was something we really ought to do. Religious observance can become a really strong force in our lives and behaviour...

The trees on the mountains

"What can I do? I return to my body which slows my thoughts, soon my memories no longer disturb me, then I can look around with new eyes. All my past now appears to me as moments of consciousness." A meditation from Dr...

Presence and Paraclete

‘But Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ (John 14:5) is Thomas’ anguished cry as Jesus announced his imminent departure from the disciples in that upper room the night before his...

The Time of Singing Will Come

Times of stress often lead to periods of deep introspection. Lent is already a period set aside by the Church for reflection and thoughtfulness. This is signified by reduced or at least subdued liturgical use of music...