Still #1 in Australia for student experience

The annual national Student Experience Survey (SES) results are in and the University of Divinity has once again been ranked highest university in Australia for 2023. 

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University Gazette November 2020

The Gazette is a public document that reports the outcomes of meetings of the University Council and Academic Board since the last Gazette was issued. To view the latest University Gazette in pdf, issued 2 November...

Called to study?

Admission and enrolment for 2021 study is now open! Experience a unique engagement with Christian theological traditions at the University of Divinity. Whether you are interested in the academic study of theology...

Towards 2021

From the Vice-Chancellor and the College Principals. 2020: Looking Back As the academic year that was 2020 draws towards its end, the University of Divinity gives thanks for the extraordinary resilience and dedication...

Constructing Exile

What happens to a community when it is destroyed by a foreign power? How do survivors face the future? Is it all over for them? In Constructing Exile, John Hill investigates how the people of ancient Judah survived...

Longing for the face of God

Kimmy? Kimmy? Kimmy, now look at me. Look at me Kim. Look at moi. Look at moi. Now, I’ve got one word to say to you, Kim. Mask. When we want someone’s full attention, as Kath so often does with her self-absorbed...

Why research matters: inspiration

This article is written in memorium of Dr Michael Bowden (21 March 1947 – 11 April 2020), who graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Divinity in December 2019.  In accompanying students...

Why research matters: the ‘F’ word

What’s the ‘F’? ‘Fake news’? ‘Filioque’? ‘Facebook’? ‘Freedom’? or…? In a world of QAnon, Twitterati, and the myriad of social media platforms that masquerade as ‘news’ sources, it probably sounds terribly passé to...

Why research matters: the so what question

As a biblical scholar who has been a researcher for over twenty years now (where did the time go?), I have often been asked the “so what?” question. Why do you do research on the bible and what difference does it make?

The church in a post-pandemic world

In August 2020, a special themed issue was released on 'The church in a post-pandemic world'. Contributions were submitted by workers across the Lutheran Church in Australia and New Zealand.

ISCAST 2020 Conversation Series

Once a week until mid-December, ISCAST will host a presentation followed by a discussion forum. A variety of talks will occur on topics such as vaccinations, medical ethics, the COVID economy and more.