Priest, scholar and friend: symposium honours Prof Austin Cooper OMI

The ministry of the late Rev Prof Austin Cooper OMI had a significant and often transformative impact on the lives of many, not to mention on the landscape of theological education in Australia and beyond...

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Easter 3: Holiness in 1 Peter 1:17-23

Sean Winter joins the podcast this week to continue our focus on 1 Peter, specifically 1 Peter 1:17-23 set for Easter 3. We talk about the nature of holiness as Peter conceives it; the way holiness refers not to...

The new normal

Staying home is now our new normal. And going to church at home has become the way we belong to the Body of Christ. One of my friends said she rather enjoyed the Easter Vigil in her bedroom slippers! Life as we have...

Meditation on Hebrews 2:5-18

Meditation on Hebrews 2:5-18: This passage from Hebrews was the New Testament reading set for morning prayer on the feast of the Annunciation on 25 March, and it seems appropriate not just for the feast day but also for...

Sanctifying God’s Name

In times of crisis, danger, and fear, the Church has frequently sought solace in Hebrew resources of lament and supplication. The psalter is one such evident resource – but it is not the only one. Rabbinic...

Easter 2020

Over recent weeks I have watched friends, colleagues and neighbours respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in many ways. Two stand out: frenetic work to deal with endless tasks, and inactivity arising from an inability to...

A Lament for Holy Week

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  Christ’s last words on the cross in the accounts of Matthew and Mark fuse a tender, intimate address, ‘my God’, with the deep despair of abandonment. The question is not...

Confidence in times of uncertainty

How’s your blood pressure? COVID-19 is leading to lock-downs the likes of which we have not seen in generations. The share market is taking everyone on a downward spiral that not even the scariest amusement park ride...

Vulnerable Bodies

Dr Sam Curkpatrick (Tutor in Christian Theology; Curator, Hindmarsh Research Centre) As COVID19 spread beyond China, Iran’s Deputy Health Minister Iraj Harirchi appeared on screen to provide the country with an update...

Reflection as we enter into Holy Week

On the verge of entering into Holy Week my thoughts turned to another single-celled organism we call yeast. In ancient Israel, yeast was removed from households for the week of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened bread...

What it means to belong

To belong is to be at home with ourselves through others.* It is interconnection. Differences with one another do not have to mean rejection, isolation or exclusion. Differences within acceptance bring growth, where...