Priest, scholar and friend: symposium honours Prof Austin Cooper OMI

The ministry of the late Rev Prof Austin Cooper OMI had a significant and often transformative impact on the lives of many, not to mention on the landscape of theological education in Australia and beyond...

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Caves and Lockdowns

Caves are often considered to be dark and unpleasant places, yet Plato and Inigo of Loyola let us see them as places for reflection and preparation for life.

Sustainable eating

Sustainable eating is great for the environment. But did you know eating consciously and reducing your food impact also has benefits for our health, as well as the Aussie economy?

Hydration and study

Water is essential for all the processes in our body – it helps our cognition, our energy production, has a role in digestion and absorption of nutrients, and aids in the elimination of wastes from the body. It’s...

University Gazette August 2020

The Gazette is a public document that reports the outcomes of meetings of the University Council and Academic Board since the last Gazette was issued. To view the latest University Gazette in pdf, issued 20 August 2020...

Do unto others

I often hear that people like Jesus’ encapsulation of the Law and Prophets in what has become known as the Golden Rule from Matthew 7. Or at least they like the sentiment behind it but wonder whether it is even able to...

The gift of patience

The scriptures have a lot to say about waiting. The psalmist calls out ‘how long’ almost more often than any other prayer. At times, it can seem that God is just far off or even indifferent to our circumstances, but as...