Try growing some of your own food in an indoor/outdoor garden.

Sustainable eating

Sustainable eating is great for the environment. But did you know eating consciously and reducing your food impact also has benefits for our health, as well as the Aussie economy? Its win-win-win!

So, what is a sustainable diet?

That’s hard to answer. Eating sustainably isn’t one thing. It involves working to reduce our environmental impact through the foods we buy, but also contributing to food security for the long term and setting ourselves up for a healthy life.1

Thinking about shifting to a more ethically-conscious diet can seem overwhelming. We have come up with some solutions everyone can try that are cheap, easy and of course, good for your health.

Sustainable food choices don’t have to be complicated. Opt for fresh whole foods, buy in season, plan ahead and where possible, have a go at growing your own.

1 Food and Agriculture Organization. (2010). Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity.

2 Department of Health. (2020). Healthy Aussie Produce. https://campaigns.health.gov.au/healthyproduce

3 The Conversation. (2020). Thinking about working from home long-term? 3 ways it could be good or bad for your health. https://theconversation.com/thinking-about-working-from-home-long-term-3-ways-it-could-be-good-or-bad-for-your-health-141374

4 OzHarvest. (2020). Food Waste Facts. https://www.ozharvest.org/what-we-do/environment-facts/#_ftn11

5 Sustainability Victoria. (2020). Grow your own food. https://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/You-and-your-home/Live-sustainably/Grow-your-own-food

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