Rev Dr Jason Goroncy (Whitley College) was a special guest on ABC Soul Search on Thursday 7 December in an episode titled ‘Making art in a time of crisis’.
Artists have always been engaged in social and cultural change. But how possible is art in a time of crisis? What kind of art do crises require and inspire?
Maissa Alameddine is a multidisciplinary artist and vocalist who grew up in Tripoli, Lebanon and now lives in Sydney. She works across photography, video, sound design and live performance, exploring themes of displacement and migration as a chronic injury. She is a founding member and one of the creative producers of Western Sydney-based Arab Theatre Studio.
Dr Rod Pattenden is an artist, art historian, and educational facilitator interested in the connection between spirituality and the arts. He is co-editor of Imagination in an Age of Crisis: Soundings from the Arts and Theology
Rev Associate Professor Jason Goroncy is Associate Professor of systematic theology at Whitley College in Victoria. He has served as a pastor in the Baptist and Uniting Churches in Australia and is co-editor of Imagination in an Age of Crisis: Soundings from the Arts and Theology

Whitley College is a culturally diverse community of learners committed to practical expressions of God’s activity in the world. We wrestle together in spiritual formation through theological reflection, creative exploration and academic rigour.
Shaped by the Bible, and drawing on our Baptist heritage, we are responsive to the contemporary needs of church and society, affirming liberty of conscience in conversation with other traditions of religion and spirituality.
Our educational ethos unifies heart, thought and hands, giving priority to personal and social transformation.
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