Author - University of Divinity

A postcard of soldiers in the front line trench early 1900.

Knox Public Lecture 2018

Catholic Theological College will host its annual Knox Lecture to honour the founder of CTC, James Robert Cardinal Knox, fifth Archbishop of Melbourne. Knox Public Lecture 2018 What Price Loyalty?: Australian Catholics...

ALC Thesis Bootcamp

Struggling to write up your research? Help is available.   Australian Lutheran College (ALC) will be running a two- day intensive writing program at the college, commencing on Friday, 20 April. Sessions will run...

A photo of hundreds of graduates at the University of Divinity March 2018 ceremony, taken from above looking down, from the balcony of St Michael's Uniting church

2018 Melbourne Graduation

Tonight the University gathers at St Michael’s Uniting Church, Melbourne, to witness the graduation of some 317 students, as well as the conferral of the Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) on Dr Julia Baird. Read...

ANZATS Student Conference

  The 2018 ANZATS Student Conference is your great opportunity to gather together with other students, and present forming scholarship. The event will be held from 10am to 5pm on Sunday, 1 July at St Francis...

University of Divinity

FEE-HELP changes

  Are you going to apply for FEE-HELP? FEE-HELP funding is linked to your course of study. If you are a new or existing UD student starting a new course or transferring to another course and you wish to secure FEE...