Author - University of Divinity

University of Divinity

Research and Practice

  A professional and research development opportunity at Stirling Theological College. Date and Time: Wednesday 14 February 9:00am-1:00pm (Concluding with lunch) Venue: Stirling Theological College 44-60...

University of Divinity

Faith and Society Lecture

SPEAKER Christo Lombaard, PhD, DD University of South Africa (Pretoria) In pre-democratic, pre-modern times, religion had been at the centre of much of human life, filling the private as well as the public realm...

University of Divinity

Colloquium: Meditation Today

Traditions in Conversation Leading experts in meditation from different traditions will gather at the University of Divinity to discuss the evolution of Meditation historically and its relevance today. The contributors...

University of Divinity

Jobs | Eva Burrows College

  Eva Burrows College is part of the worldwide Salvation Army that has been working with people for the last 150 years, to make a difference in our world. The Salvation Army colleges have been training its people...

University of Divinity

CTC Biblical Lands Study Tour

  Information Session → Saturday 20 January 2018: 2.00pm – 4.00pm RSVP or for further enquiries: (03) 9412 3314 or email jenny.delahunt@ctc.edu.au Journey with us to the heart of your faith for 27 days: 17 November...