Author - University of Divinity

University of Divinity

ALC Opening Lecture

  To mark the new academic year, Australian Lutheran College (ALC) invites you to worship in the College Chapel at 9.00am, followed by the Opening Lecture at 9.30am in the refectory on Monday 26 February 2018. The...

University of Divinity

Enrol Now for 2018

  Enrol for Semester 1 by Monday 26 February 2018. The University is Australia’s only University of Specialisation, offering awards in theology, philosophy, ministry and counselling. In joining the University, you...

University of Divinity

All May, None Must, Some Should

FRIDAY 9 MARCH 2018 | 2.00-4.30PM Trinity College, Old Warden’s Lodge, 100 Royal Parade, Parkville $30 | $20 concession | Book online: trybooking.com/340632 This seminar is prompted by the recent consideration by the...