Author - Christopher Porter

University of Divinity

Do unto others

I often hear that people like Jesus’ encapsulation of the Law and Prophets in what has become known as the Golden Rule from Matthew 7. Or at least they like the sentiment behind it but wonder whether it is even able to...

University of Divinity

Trauma and ‘the new normal’

One of the phrases that must be in contention for the phrase of the year contest is ‘the new normal.’ Just searching the news gives over a million hits in the last month alone. But the rapid reoccurrence of this phrase...

University of Divinity

Presence and Paraclete

‘But Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ (John 14:5) is Thomas’ anguished cry as Jesus announced his imminent departure from the disciples in that upper room the night before his...