Tag - Coronavirus

University of Divinity

Meditation: Eucharist and Absence

COVID-19 has brought the frailty and vulnerability of the body into sharp relief. Some have suggested that in the wake of COVID-19 we should consider practices such as virtual eucharists. I would like to suggest we...

Lent 5: John 11:1-45 and Ezekiel 37:1-14

By the Well: A weekly podcast for preachers Dr Liz Boase brings insights from trauma studies to illuminate Ezekiel 37.  Both Ezekiel and John 11 testify to God’s power to bring life from utter hopelessness. By the Well...

Library Services and COVID-19

Library Hub staff and librarians working at libraries associated with the University are committed to providing continued access to library services and resources as the global coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves...