Tag - Coronavirus

Living Together

During 2020 we have all begun to learn a great deal about the human condition, individually and collectively, locally and globally. The COVID-19 crisis has stripped away many of the protective filters through which we...

Freedom and Love

One of the things that it is easy to forget while “we” are in isolation is that not all of us are so lucky. Those who have been designated “essential” workers have been out and about, putting themselves in potential...

Humanity cannot live by Zoom alone

Rev Associate Professor Darrell Jackson I’ve been pondering this question, prompted by the simple reality that these things happen for a world also wrestling with a global pandemic. The extent of human-to-human...

Normal Service Will Be Resumed

Not “going to church” can make us feel really guilty, especially if we have been brought up that this was something we really ought to do. Religious observance can become a really strong force in our lives and behaviour...

University of Divinity

The trees on the mountains

"What can I do? I return to my body which slows my thoughts, soon my memories no longer disturb me, then I can look around with new eyes. All my past now appears to me as moments of consciousness." A meditation from Dr...

University of Divinity

Presence and Paraclete

‘But Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ (John 14:5) is Thomas’ anguished cry as Jesus announced his imminent departure from the disciples in that upper room the night before his...

University of Divinity

The Time of Singing Will Come

Times of stress often lead to periods of deep introspection. Lent is already a period set aside by the Church for reflection and thoughtfulness. This is signified by reduced or at least subdued liturgical use of music...

University of Divinity

The new normal

Staying home is now our new normal. And going to church at home has become the way we belong to the Body of Christ. One of my friends said she rather enjoyed the Easter Vigil in her bedroom slippers! Life as we have...