Author - University of Divinity

University of Divinity

Doctoral Scholarship Available

  A COLLABORATION OF THE LAURDEL FOUNDATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF DIVINITY Catholic Theological College, Melbourne, has undertaken to support the establishment of a Centre for Human Ageing under the direction of...

University of Divinity

Why Change?

Join Jesuit College of Spirituality for a special presentation by David Coghlan SJ. Details Date: Saturday 10 September 2016 Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm Location: Campion Centre of Ignatian Spirituality – 99...

University of Divinity

UD Conferences in July/August

July and August will see an array of world-class conferences and events, bringing international speakers and students to our Colleges. Luther@500: 28 June – 3 July The Australian Lutheran Institute for Theology...

University of Divinity

SAC Press Book Launch

you are invited to attend the Melbourne Book Launch of: The Life of Repentance and Purity   By the late Pope Shenouda III Translated by SAC Chancellor and Dean, His Grace Bishop Dr Suriel Date: 5 July, 5:45pm...