Capstone Editing is launching new annual academic grants of between $3,000 and $10,000 each. Capstone Editing’s Available Scholarships and Grants The Capstone Editing Early Career Academic Research Grant for Women...
Congratulations to Professor Stephen Burns, appointed a Professor of the University of Divinity by the University Council on 7 June 2017. Professor Burns is noted for his outstanding contribution to Research, and...
Congratulations to Professor Stephen Burns, appointed a Professor of the University of Divinity by the University Council on 7 June 2017. Professor Burns is noted for his outstanding contribution to Research, and...
To view the latest University Gazette in pdf, issued 8 June 2017, please use this link: Gazette 2017-06-08
View past issues of the Gazette
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Whitley College will host the first of three units in an Indigenous Masters program in July 2017: 2–5 July Indigenous Theologies and Methods Terry LeBlanc 6–9 July Introducing the New Testament Narrative Danny Zacharias...
Graduates who received the Master of Theological Studies (MTS) from the University of Divinity (or, prior to 2012, the Melbourne College of Divinity), are entitled to apply to exchange their degree certificates...
Research students, honorary researchers, faculty and research methodology students of the University of Divinity are invited to attend the 2017 University of Divinity Research Day. Please indicate your intention...
Looking towards a Church fully reconciled 50 years of ARCIC The Anglican – Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) was established by Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Ramsey and Pope Paul VI in 1967. After...
The 2016 University of Divinity Annual Report was tabled in the Parliament of Victoria on 2 May 2017 is now available. Use this link to access the full 2016 report. Hard copies of the Annual Report may be...
The University of Divinity’s Centre for Research in Religion and Social Policy presents its inaugural Annual Public Forum: End of Life Choices: Voluntary Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide in Victoria A...