Author - University of Divinity

University of Divinity

Public theology and extremisms

Priorities for a public theology in a time of extremisms: Fresh insights from Bonhoeffer Thursday 10 August 2017 6:00pm-8:00pm Whitley College Theological School 44-52 The Avenue Parkville, VIC, 3052 Australia Revd Dr...

University of Divinity

Euthanasia Conversation Video

Click here to watch a live-stream of the conversation Note: the live-stream will commence at 5.30pm.   Information for attendees The event is now sold out. Please bring your ticket (printed, or visible on your...

University of Divinity

Advanced Biblical Languages

Advanced Biblical Languages at Catholic Theological College Brush up, refresh, renew, build your biblical language skills through the units offered at CTC in second semester 2017 commencing 31 July.  ...

University of Divinity

Capstone Editing Academic Grants

Capstone Editing is launching new annual academic grants of between $3,000 and $10,000 each. Capstone Editing’s Available Scholarships and Grants The Capstone Editing Early Career Academic Research Grant for Women...