Author - Peter Sherlock

University of Divinity

Easter 2020

Over recent weeks I have watched friends, colleagues and neighbours respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in many ways. Two stand out: frenetic work to deal with endless tasks, and inactivity arising from an inability to...

First Week

The first week of the academic teaching year at the University of Divinity has coincided with the beginning of the Christian season of Lent. This happens every few years, but in 2020 is all the more notable in this time...

The Cost of Study

Last week the University Council approved the schedule of student tuition fees for 2020. This annual exercise is always a challenging task: how much can our students – current and prospective – and, in some...

Freedom to Believe

Federal Parliament this week has been debating legislative reform of religious exemptions to anti-discrimination legislation. This is the latest episode in Australian society’s renegotiation of the balance of human...