Congratulations to our newest graduates! On Friday 21 March, the University community gathered at St Patrick's Cathedral in East Melbourne to witness the graduation of 281 students receiving 286 awards.
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March 2025 Graduation in Melbourne
Congratulations to our newest graduates! On Friday 21 March, the University community gathered at St Patrick's Cathedral in East Melbourne to witness the graduation of 281 students receiving 286 awards.
Graduation in Melbourne 21 March 2025 | watch the livestream
Congratulations to all who will graduate this Friday! On the evening of Friday 21 March 2025, the University community will gather at St Patrick's Cathedral in East Melbourne to witness the graduation of 281 students...
A Community Called to Wilderness
Beth Waldron Anstice both grounds us, and allures us, to enter the wilderness as a community this Lent in this new Proost poetry podcast episode.
Dorothy Lee appointed Professor Emerita of the University
Congratulations to Reverend Canon Professor Emerita Dorothy Lee AM FAHA, appointed an Emeritus Professor of the University of Divinity by the University Council.
Stoicism and the Gospel of John | New Publication
A new publication just released from Fergus J. King, ‘Stoicism and the Gospel of John: A Study of their Compatibility’. The Gospel of John and Stoicism share significant vocabularies and terms such as Logos...
February 2025 Graduation in Adelaide
On the evening of Thursday 13 February, the University community gathered at St Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide to witness the graduation of 108 students.
Idol Talk? In the Image of the Disabled God: Disability, the IMAGO DEI and Practical Consequences
The Loyola Institute and the Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry invite papers for this conference to be held 22-23 May 2025 at ACU's Melbourne Campus.
Carmelite newsletter – January 2025
Read the latest news from the Carmelite Library in the newsletter, released January 2025.
Sahidic Coptic Leviticus: Its Manuscript Witnesses and Its Text
Congratulations to M Dr Antonia St Demiana from St Athanasius College, University of Divinity, on the recent publication of Sahidic Coptic Leviticus: Its Manuscript Witnesses and Its Text. Until recently, the Sahidic...
The Christ Who Embraces: An Orthodox Theology of Margins
Congratulations to Fr Dr Jacob Josephs from St Athanasius College, University of Divinity, on the recent release of The Christ who Embraces: An Orthodox Theology of Margins in India.
Mystery as the Heart of the Church
Karl Rahner is often quoted as saying that: “In the days ahead, you will either be a mystic or nothing at all.” In this unit students will explore the importance of this assertion through an investigation of mystical...
Fruit and veg, exercise, frequent bloodletting and more tips on staying healthy from medieval travellers
Travellers have always faced health hazards when far from home. Medieval people were no exception. Pilgrims, crusaders and others were warned by preachers such as 13th century Jacques de Vitry of “dangers on land...
First in the Desert: St. Paul the Hermit in Text and Tradition
Congratulations to volume editor Lisa Agaiby from St Athanasius College, University of Divinity, on the recent release of First in the Desert: St Paul the Hermit in Text and Tradition.
Join the Peter Mac Cancer Centre Human Research Ethics Committee
Peter Mac, a large public cancer hospital in Melbourne, has over 750 researchers and when the research is ready for clinical trials, the research group prepares an application that is submitted to the Peter Mac Human...
University Gazette December 2024
University Gazette for December 2024. The Gazette is a public document that reports the outcomes of meetings of the University Council and Academic Board since the last Gazette was issued.
New hosts for School of Professional Practice awards
The University commends the tireless work and caring approach of the staff of the School of Professional Practice to developing and consolidating these important courses of study, and looks forward to seeing them...
Preaching the Gospels
Preaching the Gospels offers an in-depth exploration of the historical contexts, literary features and key themes of the four gospels. You will develop skills to analyse selected texts, uncovering unique perspectives...
Appointment of new student members on the Academic Board
Congratulations to Sarah Callista and Hamish McLachlan, who have been elected as student members of the University’s Academic Board for a term of two years, beginning 1 January 2025. Thank you to all students who...
Preaching Luke in Year C | By the Well Podcast
Bart Bruehler (UCLT) and Kylie Crabbe (ACU/Pilgrim) joined Robyn Whitaker (Pilgrim) to discuss Preaching Luke in Year C on the By the Well podcast. This special episode of the podcast unpacks the background to Luke...
Liz Boase appointed Professor of the University
Congratulations to Professor Liz Boase, appointed Professor of the University by the University Council on 13 November 2024.
CARMELITE LIBRARY – Community Heritage Grant success
The Carmelite Library in Middle Park has been successful in its application for a Community Heritage Grant (CHG) from the National Library of Australia (NLA). It is one of 55 community-led organisations that will...
2024 CTC Annual Knox Lecture
The Christian vision of human persons is a source of hope and creativity in the face of growing insecurity and polarisation in today’s world. This was the theme of the 2024 Annual Knox Lecture presenter, Rev Associate...
Worship and Preaching: Essentials
Worship and Preaching: Essentials will help you to develop as an effective worship leader and preacher by giving you the knowledge and skills you need to engage in these public ministries. A Summer School Online...
Still #1 in Australia for student experience
The annual national Student Experience Survey (SES) results are in and the University of Divinity has once again been ranked highest university in Australia for 2023.
New Head of College at Pilgrim Theological College
The Synod of Victoria and Tasmania is delighted to announce the appointment of Rev Associate Professor Kylie Crabbe to the position of Head of College, Pilgrim Theological College, beginning January 2026. Until Kylie...
Job Opportunity | Director of the WellSpring Centre
The WellSpring Centre is seeking a Director to lead the community into its next phase of growth and development. The ideal candidate will be deeply committed to their own spiritual journey and the mission of WellSpring.
Leadership in Ministry
Leadership in ministry will help you unlock your potential as a missional leader. You will explore biblical and theological insights which will empower you to lead effectively in both church and community settings...