If God is neither male nor female, should we change God’s pronouns?

The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee, Stewart Research Professor of New Testament at Trinity College Theological School, recently spoke to the ABC about the use of he/him gender pronouns when referring to God.

In the piece, entitled “‘If God is neither male nor female, should we change God’s pronouns?”, Dorothy speaks about the flaws in the common use of masculine language for God, the biblical and theological basis for this critique, and her desire to see greater gender equality in religious leadership and the liturgy. “The Bible is quite clear … that both male and female are made in God’s image and that God transcends gender”. 

The full story can be accessed here.


  • As a minister I am saddened at the denial of men in the church who refuse to ordain us simply because we are women. I have the Spirit of truth within me that testifies that we are made in the Imagio Dei and we are ‘all’ GOD’s children. Paul tells us there is no slave nor free, no Jew nor Gentile, no male nor female but we are all GOD’s children. I do however acknowledge Him as our Father. I personally don’t feel the need nor do I want to change Scripture – written as GOD’s Holy Word. I have reflected on the fact that Mary gave birth to GOD – the mother of GOD. If Mary were not fully divine and fully human herself it would not be possible for GOD the Holy of Holies to be contained there. Which enables us to ponder Mary’s part in the Trinity.. I think we are still young in our knowledge of how great GOD is and what He allows us to know at certain stages of our growth in history and understanding. Perhaps when more scrolls are uncovered at Qumran we will indeed learn more of the workings of Almighty GOD. Thank you for the formative post.
    GOD bless you
    In Christ
    Di Andrews ???

    • “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
      (Galatians 3:28)
      What is this talking about? This is talking about our salvation in Jesus Christ. This bible verse is not saying that there is no difference among these people economically, politically, socially or in gender.

      It is not men who are denying women to become church elders. It is God’s word which denies that role to women. If you were alive in the time of Jesus, you would have accused Jesus of denying women to become an apostle.

      Do you acknowledge God as your Father and don’t want to change the Scriptures? Really!! Today, feminists, who cry for women’s eldership in churches, are trying to change the scripture by introducing gender-neuter language for God.

      Mary gave birth to GOD? Mary is part of TRINITY? See… Just like Eve, the feminists who act against the order and design of God are bringing heresies into the church.

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