Commentary on the Apocalypse

Publication details

Publisher name: St Macarius Monastery Press
Publication date: 2023
ISBN number: 1735071358
Foreword by: Mark N. Swanson
Afterword by: Joseph M. Faltas


Translation from Arabic, Introduction and Commentary by Shadi Kiryakos Nessim

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Text summary of the book

The 13th century Egypt saw a circle of Coptic theologians who passionately endeavored toward the revival of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Bishop Bulus al-Bushi was among those notable Church treasures, and dedicated much of his effort to biblical exegesis. In this book, readers will gauge one of his largest works entitled “Commentary on the Apocalypse” which presents a dogmatic and pastoral interpretation of the biblical text. This English translation honors the work of the late Abbot of St Macarius Monastery, Bishop Epiphanius (1954-2018), who published an Arabic edition of al-Bushi’s commentary in 2017.


The young Coptic Australian scholar Shadi Kiryakos Nessim honors both bishops, Būlus and Epiphanius, with the present volume: a translation of Epiphanius’ edition of Būlus’ Commentary on the Apocalypse into very readable English, with helpful notes. It is a labor of love, one that should make the work accessible to a wide range of readers.

– Mark N. Swanson

1 comment

  • Dear shadi
    I would like to have a copy of the book can you advise me where to get it from i m a coptic orthodox priest in Sydney Australia
    Fr Rafael Iskander

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