Four projects to receive funding in University of Divinity Extraordinary Large Grant Scheme

The Research Grants Panel is pleased to announce award of the total $450,000 in funding across four projects, which will run from July 2021 to November 2022.

Reflecting on the outcome, the Dean of Research Strategy, Professor Wendy Mayer, comments:

This is an exciting moment in the life of the university. The Grants Panel received nine strong applications that highlight the quality and diversity of the research being undertaken by staff that meets the University’s vision. The strength of current networks between university researchers and other universities and organisations within Australia and overseas is evident in the applications and something that the university can celebrate. I only wish that a greater number of projects could have been funded under the scheme.

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Peter Sherlock, said:

I congratulate all applicants on the quality of their proposals. The four projects funded under the scheme illustrate the depth and breadth of the University’s research capacity. The projects will contribute greatly to the University’s vision and strategic plan. They will grow the University’s research activities and deliver creative outcomes in a wide range of areas including Indigenous theologies, the conservation of ancient manuscripts, and addressing contemporary social and political issues.

Summary of the projects

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