Atla Board of Directors Members Elected for 2020-2023

Congratulations to Kerrie Burn, who has been elected to serve on the Atla Board of Directors from 2020-2023 and is the first member elected to the Board from outside of North America.

Kerrie is the Library Manager for Mannix Library at Catholic Theological College at the University of Divinity, and also manages the University’s Library Hub. She serves on the International Theological Librarianship Education Task Force and is a member of the Roman Catholic Denominational Group. Kerrie currently is a member of the Melbourne Diocesan Historical Commission, Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, and the Australian and New Zealand Theological Library Association.

On why she initially joined Atla,

The University is an institutional member of Atla, and recently became the first institution outside North America to contribute to Atla Digital Library. Engaging more with Atla arose from my desire to contribute to projects with international colleagues, and was based on the belief that theological and religious studies librarians around the world share many of the same concerns and aspirations.”

About Atla

Established in 1946 as the American Theological Library Association, Atla is a membership association of librarians and information professionals, and a producer of research tools, committed to advancing the study of religion and theology. Atla’s membership includes more than 800 individuals and libraries at academic institutions from diverse religious traditions and backgrounds. As a community of collectors and connectors, Atla works to promote worldwide scholarly communication in religion and theology by advancing the work of libraries and related information providers.

1 comment

  • Congratulations Kerrie and a very well deserved honour. thank you for all you have done in building up a strong research library and for helping staff and students.

    Mary Coloe.

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