The Dead Sea Scrolls: Women, Darkness, and Dangerous Things

Centre for Theology and Ministry 29 College Crescent, Parkville, VIC

Dr Shani Tzoref will speak on a provocative snippet of the Dead Sea Scrolls that shows insight into why the community may have been so preoccupied with women.


Trinity College Theological School Research Seminar

Trinity College 100 Royal Parade, Parkville, VIC, Australia

Come to our first research seminar for Semester 1 on "Angels and Corporations" with Scott Kirkland, Stockdale Senior Lecturer in Ethics.

Wollaston Research Seminar: A Feast of Creation?

Wollaston Theological College 5 Wollaston Road, Mount Claremont, WA, Australia

Come along to the next Wollaston Research Seminar on 7th April. The Rev'd Dr Elizabeth Smith to present: "A Feast of Creation?" Available both in-person and online.