The jacaranda tree, with its purple-blue flowers appearing in Melbourne in early December, announces Advent with a burst of liturgical colour. These beautiful trees, scattered along the streets and in parks and gardens...
Kimmy? Kimmy? Kimmy, now look at me. Look at me Kim. Look at moi. Look at moi. Now, I’ve got one word to say to you, Kim. Mask. When we want someone’s full attention, as Kath so often does with her self-absorbed...
The scriptures have a lot to say about waiting. The psalmist calls out ‘how long’ almost more often than any other prayer. At times, it can seem that God is just far off or even indifferent to our circumstances, but as...
The impact of the past on the present is not fixed for nations and peoples, any more than it is for individuals. We humans are constantly revising the stories we tell ourselves in light of new insights or abilities...