Explore the enduring significance of ‘commissioning’ texts and what they mean for Christian communities in Australia and elsewhere in the world.
This Unit reconceives the Christian mission in response to the commissioning texts of the New Testament and reimagines this as the practices of witness, service, and discipleship; practices appropriate for Christian communities in any context, ‘many places’, and expressed differently in each context, ‘many voices’. In this Unit, students will review and explore the enduring significance of ‘commissioning’ texts such as Matthew 28, John 21, and explore what these mean for Christian communities in Australia and elsewhere in the world. Students will be exposed to teachers and practitioners from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
6 sessions from 9:30am – 4:30pm
Fridays and Saturdays:
Aug 2 – 3; Sep 6 – 7; Oct 11 – 12
Unit Code | DA1011W (Undergraduate level 1)
DA2011W (Undergraduate level 2) DA8011W (Postgraduate elective) |
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Whitley College is a culturally diverse community of learners committed to practical expressions of God’s activity in the world. We wrestle together in spiritual formation through theological reflection, creative exploration and academic rigour.
Shaped by the Bible, and drawing on our Baptist heritage, we are responsive to the contemporary needs of church and society, affirming liberty of conscience in conversation with other traditions of religion and spirituality.
Our educational ethos unifies heart, thought and hands, giving priority to personal and social transformation.
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