Semester 1 unit | Exile, trauma and the presence of God: The Book of Ezekiel

Challenging times produce challenging texts. This unit offers a thematic introduction to the book of Ezekiel, a prophetic book of the Babylonian Exile (597/587-539 BCE) that explores existential questions such as the meaning of exile, the perceived presence (or absence) of God and the emerging of hope from within the crisis. Special attention will be given to the book’s historical and socio-religious setting and to the experience of trauma pervading both author and historical audience. The approach of reading Ezekiel as trauma literature can shed light on some of the most challenging texts in this book. It also can help build bridges from these ancient texts into our own contemporary world.

Unit details

College Yarra Theological Union
Lecturer Dr Janina Hiebel
Level Level 2 Undergraduate

Level 3 Undergraduate

Level 9 Postgraduate

Study modes and times Face to Face or Online Synchronous

Wednesday 6pm – 9pm

Unit codes BA2021Y



For further information or to make and appointment please contact Yarra Theological Union.  PH: 98903771

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