A new Proost podcast poetry series was launched yesterday, its intention is to let poetry lead us into deeper reflection, connection, and community. Through these conversations, we hope to support one another and create art that speaks to the prophetic edge, where justice cries out towards peace.
Talitha Fraser hosts Beth Waldron Anstice who reads poems: Wilderness, The Bishop and the President, and Women Leaders, and give voice to themes of Lent, protest and the place of women and creative imagination in church.
With historically close connection to Greenbelt, Proost is largely a UK-based endeavour. We are keen to invite southern hemisphere poets to share their work that touches on these themes of creativity, spirituality and justice. Please do contact Talitha Fraser if you want to appear, or nominate someone to be, on the podcast.
Beth Waldron Anstice has served in Baptist, Anglican and Uniting Church pastoral and denominational roles and is presently a Corp Leader in Castlemaine with the Salvation Army. She teaches units in the Graduate Certificate in Children and Families Ministry at the University of Divinity, with a heavy emphasis on intergenerational practices.
Talitha Fraser is the Administrator for the Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies network and Curator of The Recollective, a playground for reflection, culture and feminist theologies.

Talitha Fraser is the Administration Officer at the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.
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