Rev D Chris Monaghan CP, Principal of Yarra Theological Union wrote:
When I came to YTU yesterday morning I was informed that our dear friend and mentor Rev Associate Professor Cormac Nagle OFM died suddenly. He was an extraordinary man and we are so deeply indebted to his vision, energy, love, and faith. Pax et Bonum was not just a Franciscan motto for him, it was reality deeply and richly lived.
Rev Dr Matthew Beckmann OFM wrote:
This morning, while making his breakfast, Cormac Nagle died. Cormac was among the last of that first generation of teachers who brought YTU into being. Having recently returned from Rome and experienced first hand the events of Vatican II, he was ever after touched by its spirit and saw the importance of creating a place such as YTU. As Minister of the Australian Franciscan Province, he provided the land and assistance that became Dorish Maru College and the OCD priory later the Heart of Life. With his own hands he installed YTU’s first phone system and, to the end, he was supervising research students, writing and contributing to Staff Seminars.
His canonical and moral studies gave him a firm and solid insight into how we ought to act, but he tempered that with a Franciscan compassion and sensitivity that always respected the situation of each individual. Like Francis, he believed he was ‘called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.’ May Cormac, so long part of our story, also now find healing, union and his way home to his loving God.
His funeral will be on Monday 10 May at 10:30am at St Paschal’s chapel.

Yarra Theological Union is an inclusive and welcoming community, Catholic by tradition and ecumenical in spirit. We are committed to being a community of scholarship, prayer and pastoral care. We offer theological education and ministerial formation, open to those who seek educational and personal transformation in changing contexts. Our mission is to equip people for various ministries in the churches: parishes, schools, hospitals, church agencies and in the world at large.
Extremely saddened to learn about the death of our dear friend Reverend Professor Cormac Nagle OAM RIP
We are heart broken.
I share your sadness dear Vicky
The last time I saw Cormac in person was on 29th November 2019 at your Mercy farewell afternoon tea. I have a beautiful photo of the 3 of us together. I will treasure it always and of course can give you o copy if you don’t have one already. Although we understand rationally that life must come to an end
I don’t think we ever fully believe it in our hearts. Cormac was such an essential part of our Mercy family. He had always been there and I think we just assumed he always would be there. The world is a lonelier place without him. I will miss him greatly. Genevieve/Genny
Truly one of the best people I have known. Vast intellect and erudition, combined with great compassion and human decency, with hard-core experience at the clinical and pastoral coalface. This was evident in every interaction with patients, families and staff.
A wonderful bloke, from whom I learned a lot and whom I shall very much miss
As a one-time ofm student, junior to Cormac, but one who never forgot him -nor did I ever have to be re-introduced over the years- I write in awe of him. Requiescat!
My leaning towards Law came first at an ofm inter-collegiate theologians/philosophers football day in 1956. Other Theology students spoke glowingly of Cormac steeping himself in casus conscientiae and Canon Law. I was inspired: ultimately towards (Sir) Thomas More and his type of Law.
Cormac and I remained bonded over the years, on a range of topics including his apostolate and much larger than ordinary life-story.
Cormac- In Eternity: Pax et Bonum!
Tom Byrnes
The kindly face of Cormac Nagle is something I will treasure, he was truely one of God’s gentlemen. When I first enrolled in BTheol. in 1998 Cormac was my first lecturer (Moral Theology), he was so patient with the fact that I knew nothing about theology having left school many years before without finishing year 12. I bought a big dictionary and carried it to class each week to look up the words I had never seen before.
Cormac was there when I eventually graduated some years later and I have a picture taken with him which I will treasure with great fondness.
In unbounded freedom may you now dwell in the fullness of God’s grace Cormac.