Tuition fees at University of Divinity

The 2014/15 Budget recently announced by the Commonwealth Government proposes significant changes to the funding of higher education in Australia. These include changes to the funding of student places at public universities, and to the HELP loan scheme.

The University of Divinity is a private higher education provider and does not currently receive Commonwealth funding for its undergraduate and postgraduate coursework awards.

Each year the University’s Council sets the tuition fees for the following year. The Council takes into account the cost of delivering high quality theological education at its Colleges, and the capacity of its students (or their sponsors) to pay fees.

The proposed changes to Commonwealth supported places and the proposed deregulation of fees at public universities will not directly affect fees at the University of Divinity. The Council assures current and prospective students of the University that they should not expect to see significant rises in tuition fees in 2015 or 2016.

Students who use FEE-HELP may be adversely affected by proposed changes to the HELP loan scheme, such as changes to interest rates on loans. Some students may benefit, however, from the proposed abolition of the 25% service fee charged on undergraduate FEE-HELP loans.

Professor Peter Sherlock, Vice-Chancellor

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