This National Reconciliation Week, deepen your understanding with our Indigenous Theologies LibGuide

This National Reconciliation Week, let’s explore how Indigenous spiritual traditions can deepen our understanding of shared histories, cultures, and the path towards reconciliation in Australia. Our Indigenous Theologies LibGuide offers a wealth of resources to guide you on this journey.

Uncover books, articles and other resources that:

  • Are written by leading Indigenous scholars
  • Give insights into the Dreaming and other spiritual concepts
  • Show how Indigenous voices are reshaping theology today

Dive deeper and explore the ongoing conversation. Visit our Indigenous Theologies LibGuide today!

We welcome suggestions for additional resources relevant to Indigenous Theologies.  Share your recommendations via email: library@divinity.edu.au

For further information on National Reconciliation Week, visit their website: https://www.reconciliation.org.au/

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