As we enter the final four weeks of action before the referendum, the way we understand and practice allyship is now more crucial than ever.
The School of Indigenous Studies recommend the following resource package to you, kindly provided by Allies for Uluru.
Wondering how to be a respectful ally?
Read this and this. You can also watch this short 3-minute video with Dr Rassheedah Watts on shifting from awareness to action.
Need ideas for how your organisation can support First Nations staff in the next four weeks and beyond?
- Implement leave days for First Nations staff and non-Indigenous staff too, which helps reduce the burden on First Nations staff
- Support First Nations staff to engage in self care, including the freedom to ‘opt out’ of conversations, meetings and processes
- Provide First Nations staff with access to Elders who can have a yarn and create safe spaces
- Allow employees to take as much cultural leave as they need
- Sign the Respectful Referendum pledge
- Read and distribute the AHRC’s guide to Minimising Harm in Conversations about the Referendum
- Read and share this incredible article on First Nations mental health during the Voice campaign by Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara man and provisional psychologist Dom Barry
Other support-based resources you can offer:
- Culturally safe support through 13 YARN
- Social, emotional and cultural wellbeing resources at Wellmob
- Anti-discrimination NSW Referendum Resilience resources
If you and your org want to publicly declare your support for Yes and/or encourage others to vote Yes in a way that is inclusive and respectful of a range of voices, see an excellent example from Children’s Ground in their latest social media statement or read the full statement here.
Other resources
- Yes Campaign Resources –
- Allies for Uluru Toolkits –
- Combined Catholic website with resources for parishes –
- Translated resouces –

The School’s mission is to encourage the development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander theologies and ministries, and to decolonise the eurocentric versions of Christianity that remain dominant in this country.
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