Library Hub staff and librarians working at libraries associated with the University are committed to providing continued access to library services and resources as the global coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves.
The University continues to provide access to a huge number of online library resources via the Library Hub and library staff are still available to assist.
A LibGuide has been created as a central place to update the University community about any library-related developments, including access arrangements at the libraries associated with the University of Divinity, and tips for accessing library resources remotely.
COVID-19 LibGuide
In the coming days we will add further information, including:
- Special Services for Higher Degree by Research Students
- Document Delivery (Inter-library loans)
- Scanning Services
We appreciate your patience and understanding during these challenging times.
We look forward to the time when we can resume normal library services across the library network.
Please email if you would like to suggest additional useful content for this LibGuide.

The University of Divinity Library Hub provides all currently enrolled students, staff and other members of the University with access to an extensive range of online resources. This includes full-text databases, eJournals, eBooks, and a range of other useful resources.
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