Reverend Carolyn Francis, co-pastor at Collins Street Baptist Church joins Robyn and Fran to talk about the woman at the well in John 4 – the story which inspired the name of this podcast. We discuss the vulnerability and transformation in the encounter between Jesus and the woman. We touch on the profundity of the metaphor of water, and the way the story asks us to let go of that which we think is important, to find what really is life giving and truthful.
We refer to Rev Dr Craig Thompson’s sermon on John 4 that challenges the moralistic approaches to interpreting the Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus.
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By the Well is a weekly lectionary-based podcast for preachers by Fran Barber and Robyn Whitaker. Each week we’ll take a deep dive into one of the texts from the Revised Common Lectionary, exploring its ancient setting and how we might preach it today.
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