Support the training of priests for tomorrow’s Church
You are invited to make your contribution to the training of seminary students for the Catholic priesthood. The Bishops of Victoria and Tasmania have established an annual Good Shepherd Sunday Appeal and invite donations that will support the education of students at Corpus Christi College, Melbourne.
Corpus Christi College is the regional seminary of Victoria and Tasmania. Students come to the College from the dioceses of Victoria and Tasmania, and also from South Australia, Darwin and other parts of Australia. It is a thriving community of domestic and international students, discerning their call to a life of mission and service as Catholic priests.
Donations can be made to the Good Shepherd Sunday Appeal through the University of Divinity Fund and are tax deductible.

CTC is committed to the highest standards of teaching and research in philosophy and theology, within the Catholic tradition. It collaborates in the Church’s mission to spread the Gospel, and provides academic formation for people committed to the pastoral service of the Church.
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