Enrol Now for 2018


Enrol for Semester 1 by Monday 26 February 2018.

The University is Australia’s only University of Specialisation, offering awards in theology, philosophy, ministry and counselling. In joining the University, you become part of a vibrant community of scholars drawn from a wide range of theological traditions representing over thirty churches and religious orders. You may be here to pursue a vocation to ministry, for professional development, to deepen in your understanding of faith, or because of your passion for learning. We look forward to getting to helping you achieve your goals.



What is a Home College?

All students and staff join the University through one of its Colleges. Based in the Australian cities of Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney, each College is a unique learning community.

The College you enrol with becomes your ‘home College’ for the duration of your course. Whether you are studying online or on campus, your home College is your primary learning community and will provide you with course advice and support services throughout your studies. Study can be taken at your home College, or at a combination of colleges within the University.

Our students chose their home college for a variety of reasons, including: campus proximity to where you live; a specialist course offered by a college; or the religious denomination of the college.

All of our colleges have friendly staff who would be happy to discuss your education needs and goals with you. We encourage you to get in touch with a College to find out if it will be the right fit for you.

College locations and contact details →

If you already know which course you would like to study, you can find out which Colleges it is offered by on our Course Details page →


What is FEE-HELP and am I eligible for it?

Australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa may defer the payment of fees through the FEE-HELP loan scheme. Tuition fees are paid by the government and debited to a loan account. Students are not required to begin repaying the accumulated loan debt until their taxable income rises above the compulsory repayment threshold.

FEE-HELP applications are now submitted through the student record system.  If you belong to one of the following cohorts, and you present proof of your eligibility for FEE-HELP, you will apply through your Home College:

  1. Existing students who have not yet applied for Fee-Help and who wish to access Fee-Help at any stage of their course
  2. New students who require Fee-Help funding
  3. Students who are transferring or enrolling in a new course and who require Fee-Help.

After you have contacted your Home College, you will be sent an email invitation from the Department of Education and Training to initiate your electronic Fee-Help application (aka eCAF, for electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form). The invitation will include a Passkey. The eCAF replaces the hard copy Fee-Help application form.  Ensure that you submit your eCAF before the earliest census date of your enrolment. Otherwise, you will have to pay tuition fees upfront before your course commences.

For more information and to apply, please see: www.studyassist.gov.au →


I’m ready to apply. What do I do?

There are five steps you need to complete to apply for study at the University of Divinity.

Step 1: Select a course

Step 2: Select a College

Step 3: Attend an interview at the College

Step 4: Complete the Application for Admission form relevant to the course

Step 5: Pay tuition fees

Need some extra help? Contact the college you would like to enrol through and staff there will be more the happy to guide you through the enrolment process.

Ticked all these steps off? Congratulations! We look forward to sharing in your education journey with you. Welcome to the University of Divinity!

About VOX

VOX brings members of the University, especially academic staff, into conversation with churches, the community and you. It publishes original material and may republish or link to items from blogs, social media and news media.