EndNote software is available to all staff and currently enrolled students of the University of Divinity.
EndNote is a reference management software tool, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. EndNote can help you:
- Collect and organise references to resources, such as books and journal articles.
- Add citations to your documents, and
- Create bibliographies that use standard citation styles.
EndNote’s Cite While You Write feature links references to a Microsoft Word document and automatically generates a reference list/bibliography.
The latest version of EndNote 20 has recently been released and both Windows and MAC versions are available. An EndNote Access form is available via the University of Divinity website and the EndNote LibGuide on the Library Hub. Several EndNote training guides and videos are also available via the Academic Resources page.
All new forms should be emailed to endnote@divinity.edu.au Staff/students will then receive instructions on how to download the EndNote file from Mannix Library staff.
Please note: If you have previously submitted a form and installed an earlier version of EndNote, the latest version is now available for you to access in the ARK delivery unit. It is recommended that you backup all data before installing the new version. The latest version of EndNote includes enhanced styles for Chicago and Turabian.

Kerrie Burn was appointed as the inaugural University Librarian in March 2023 and managed the University’s online Library Hub, since it was launched in February 2016 until 2024. She was the Library Manager at Mannix Library, Catholic Theological College in East Melbourne from 2014 to March 2024.
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