COVID Revelations

The University of Divinity has initiated a new research theme COVID Revelations, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is centred on three interventions: disclosure, discernment and duty.

About the research theme

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic has been experienced in Australia and globally as a profound disruption to human health, social relationships, economic behaviours and political arrangements. The speed and extent of this disruption is striking.

Responses to the pandemic have revealed many truths about the contemporary world.

The current situation demands theological reflection and theological conversations that listen to and take seriously the full range of experience and insight which have been generated. It calls for an intervention informed by the work of theological discernment, for research that is rigorous in its analysis, and for commitment to enabling appropriate action.

The University of Divinity has a unique responsibility, based on its vision and mission to address the issues of the contemporary world through critical engagement with Christian theological traditions. The University’s response is shaped around three interventions: disclosure, discernment and duty:

  1. Disclosure (the disruptive intervention of COVID):
    What have we learned from what just happened? What did just happen?
  2. Discernment (the necessary intervention of theology):
    What is the distinctive work that theology does? What theological insights can we offer?
  3. Duty (the constructive intervention of hope):
    What do we commit to? Who are we called to be? Where do our allegiances lie? In other words, what do we do now?

Invitation to participate

You are invited to participate in a university-wide research and impact project about the COVID crisis, in partnership with others within and beyond the University.

We seek researchers to commit to activities that engage the three interventions. Activities might include:

  • A hosted Zoom panel discussion
  • A media piece for The Conversation, ABC, or similar
  • A radio interview
  • A short research project with academic outputs, and potential for future elaboration

If you are already doing, or planning, such activities, please let us know so we can support and promote these.

The University will offer resources to support activities which:

  • Involve more than one UD researcher
  • Address the three framing concepts above. Work may focus on one of these points, but should connect to all three.

For help developing your projects, finding suitable collaborators, media contacts, and technical support for virtual events: cosborn@divinity.edu.au (Dr Carly Osborn, Research Strategy Officer)

This is a critical moment in the life of UD as we mature and move into a vibrant research strategy. It is an opportunity to have a lasting conversation with Australian society. We warmly encourage you to join in.

COVID Revelations information

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