Child, Mission and Education Symposium

Held annually, this Symposium provides the opportunity for theologically engaged practitioners (including chaplains, RE teachers, Christian educators, ministers/pastors and children & families ministry leaders), those who are currently undertaking research around ministry with children and families and those who have previously completed such research, to gather, engage and explore together.

This year’s Symposium explores the topic of Child, Mission and Education. Drawing together three significant thinkers, writers and leaders in their respective fields, this Symposium offers the prospect of challenging in-put, fascinating conversation and robust group engagement. A great day for anyone willing to be stretched in both their undergirding theological understanding and actual practice of ministry engagement with children and their families


Rev. Dr. John Flett – Co-ordinator of Studies (Missiology), Pilgrim Theological College

Dr. Larissa McLean Davies – deputy Director (Learning and Teaching), Melbourne Graduate School of Education (Melb Uni)

Beth Barnett – Learning and Theological Engagement, Victorian Council of Christian Education


Friday 11 September 2015, 9.45am – 3.30pm


Centre for Theology and Ministry, 29 College Crescent, Parkville




Use this link to register. Please register by Friday 4 September


explore@ctm.uca.edu.au, or phone 9340 8815

Please use this link to access the official Child, Mission and Education Symposium flyer.

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