Celebrate Trinity Launch

The Provost of Trinity College, Mr Campbell Bairstow, and the Dean of the Trinity College Theological School, the Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee, invite you to the

Choral Evensong to celebrate the

as a College of the University of Divinity.

Included during this event will be the installation of new members of the Faculty by the Primate of Australia and Archbishop of Melbourne, the Most Revd Dr Phillip Freier.

There will be an address by the Rt Revd John Parkes, Bishop of Wangaratta and member of the Board of Trinity College.

When: Thursday, 19 February 2015, 5.30pm

Venue: Trinity College Chapel, Royal Parade, Parkville, followed by a dedication ceremony and refreshments in the Old Warden’s Lodge.

RSVP: by Monday 16 February 2015. T: 03 9348 7127 E: tcts@trinity.edu.au

We apologise that there is no parking available onsite.

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