An Invitation from Trans & Gender Diverse Christians

In anticipation of Trans Day of Visibility (Mon 31 March), we share two short videos from Equal Voices encouraging active participation, as well as worship resources including readings, prayers and poems, for churches and schools. These resources can be used both in the lead up to the Trans Day of Visibility this Monday 31st March, but also as an opportunity to show support for transgender people, particularly in the light of current public and political discourse playing out both overseas and at home.

Featured are University of Divinity Lecturers, Revd Dr Jo Inkpin and Penny Jones as well as alumnus Steff Fenton, among many faith leaders and community members inviting us to the celebration of everyone in our diverse community as made in the image of God.

Please feel free to share widely with others.

Loving source and light of all creation,
your life and wisdom is gloriously revealed
in gender diversity
and in the kaleidoscopic beauty of human difference.
We give you thanks for gender diverse people.
Bless them with assurance of your love.
Grant them strength and joy
in their lives, bodies and relationships.
And enable everyone to celebrate their gifts:
that all may flourish
as full and equal expressions of embodied love.
In the power and mystery of your presence and peace. Amen

An invitation from Trans & Gender Diverse Christians to celebrate the Trans Day of Visibility

A message from Christian allies for the Trans Day of Visibility:

Celebrating Transgender Visibility liturgical resources:



This article was submitted by Talitha Fraser on behalf of the Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies.

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