Teaching and Learning Webinar | Two-Lane Framework and Assurance of Learning

Online Event

with Professor Danny Liu Professor (Education Focused), University of Sydney. Danny is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. He works at the confluence of educational technology, student engagement, artificial intelligence, learning analytics, pedagogical research, organisational leadership, and professional development. He is currently a […]

Trinity College Theological School Research Seminar

Trinity College 100 Royal Parade, Parkville, VIC, Australia

Come to our first research seminar for Semester 1 on "Angels and Corporations" with Scott Kirkland, Stockdale Senior Lecturer in Ethics.

Prof Liz Boase Book Launch: Trauma Theories

Pilgrim Theological College 29 College Crescent, Parkville, VIC, Australia

Professor Liz Boase's 'Trauma Theories: Refractions in the Book of Jeremiah' (Sheffield Phoenix) will be launched by Professor Mark Brett on 2 April at Pilgrim. The book has been described as theoretically sophisticated and artfully written.

Community of Practice

Online Event

The Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality invites Emerging and Re-Emerging Scholars and Practitioners to its monthly Community of Practice.

Reimagining Faith & Justice: Decolonising Workshop Series

WellSpring Centre 10 Y Street, Ashburton, VIC, Australia

Explore ways of decolonising our faith practices with Wellspring. Reflect upon how shared colonial histories have shaped how religious traditions and spiritual spaces interact with Country and peoples.


Wollaston Research Seminar: A Feast of Creation?

Wollaston Theological College 5 Wollaston Road, Mount Claremont, WA, Australia

Come along to the next Wollaston Research Seminar on 7th April. The Rev'd Dr Elizabeth Smith to present: "A Feast of Creation?" Available both in-person and online.

Reimagining Faith & Justice: Decolonising Workshop Series

WellSpring Centre 10 Y Street, Ashburton, VIC, Australia

Explore ways of decolonising our faith practices with Wellspring. Reflect upon how shared colonial histories have shaped how religious traditions and spiritual spaces interact with Country and peoples.


Tenebrae at Trinity College

Trinity College Chapel 100 Royal Parade, Parkville, VIC, Australia

Trinity College invites you to this year’s choral service of Tenebrae during Holy Week in the Horsfall Chapel.

Bonhoeffer Symposium

North Adelaide Immanuel Lutheran Church

To mark 80 years since Dietrich Bonhoeffer's execution by the Nazis, this symposium will explore his theological legacy in the contemporary world. Paper proposals to mikepietsch25@gmail.com

Wollaston Research Seminar

Wollaston Theological College 5 Wollaston Road, Mount Claremont, WA, Australia

Join Wollaston Theological College on May 5th for two exciting presentations in the Wollaston Research Seminar series.

Reimagining Faith & Justice: Decolonising Workshop Series

WellSpring Centre 10 Y Street, Ashburton, VIC, Australia

Explore ways of decolonising our faith practices with Wellspring. Reflect upon how shared colonial histories have shaped how religious traditions and spiritual spaces interact with Country and peoples.
