A Call for Papers on Migration and Religion in Australia and the Pacific

Call for papers extended until 5 June 2024

On 7 March 2024, Whitley College hosted an ‘Interdisciplinary Research Symposium on Migration and Religion in Australia and the Pacific’. We now invite scholars and practitioners from a range of backgrounds to contribute to an edited collection that aims to explore the intricate intersection of migration and religion in the region, including the issues that arise from the dimensions of this complex relationship.

Read more about the event, including a limited Zoom recording here.

Invitation for Contributions
We welcome submissions from scholars and practitioners working in the following disciplines:

  • Social Sciences: Perspectives from sociology, psychology, political science, and other social science disciplines are encouraged to provide insights into social implications of migration and religious dynamics.
  • Law or Legal Perspective: Scholars working on the legal aspects of migration, including immigration policy, human rights, and legal frameworks related to religious freedom and diversity.
  • Migration Studies: Contributions from scholars specialising in migration studies, including migration patterns, integration processes, diaspora studies, and transnationalism.
  • Anthropology: Anthropological perspectives on migration and religion, including cultural practices, rituals, identity construction, and community dynamics.
  • Missiology and Religious Studies: Scholars engaged in missiological and religious studies research that examines the role of religion in migration, religious identities, interfaith dialogue, and the responses of religious institutions to migration.
  • Intercultural Studies: Papers that examine the intersections of culture, religion, and migration, and promote intercultural understanding and dialogue.
  • Theology and Biblical Studies: Theological reflections on migration, ethics, justice, and spirituality in the context of migration and religious diversity or biblical studies.
  • Pentecostalism and New Religious Movements: Papers that focus on different aspects of the transnationalisation of Pentecostalism and new religious movement and its impact on religious consciousness, migration, cultural and social engagement of migrants, and related dimensions.

Proposed Publisher
We have established a firm agreement with Springer Nature to publish the book. The publisher is keen to commence the peer review process shortly.

Submission Guidelines
Abstracts of proposed papers (approximately 250 words) should be submitted by 5 June 2024.
Notice of acceptance of abstracts by 15th June 2024. Full papers should adhere to the APA 7th referencing style and be submitted by 15th November 2024. All submissions should be sent to Dr Titus S. Olorunnisola at tolorunnisola@whitley.edu.au.

For enquiries and submissions please contact Dr Titus S. Olorunnisola, Interim Director of Research at Whitley College, University of Divinity at tolorunnisola@whitley.edu.au.

We look forward to your submissions.

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