Theology and Philosphy
Postgraduate Research Conference 2014
Call for Papers
Now in its fifth year, this conference is a collaborative project sponsored by Australian Catholic University, Australian College of Theology, Avondale College of Higher Education, Charles Sturt University, University of Divinity and Sydney College of Divinity. The conference will bring together postgraduate students researching in Theology and Philosophy from across the Higher Education sector in order to promote the place of those disciplines in Australian research.
Topics are invited across all relevant discipline areas (e.g. Bible Studies; Ministry; Philosophy; Practical; Systematic). To submit a proposal include the following information; a 100 word outline of the paper, your name, the institution at which you are studying and your contact details. Papers will be 20 minutes in duration.
Paper proposals are due by Friday 15 August 2014
Please send all proposals as a word document to
For full event dates, locations and information, please use this link.