Speaking of Christ/Christa/Christx: a feminist Christologies seminar

Seminar to be held August 20, 2021 at Pilgrim Theological College

While post-Christians … conclude that there is no possibility of redeeming Christology and that the notion of a male saviour must be abandoned, Christian feminists offer a wide range of positive proposals for rethinking classical Christology, including regendering models of Christ, rethinking the relationship between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith, decentring the significance of Jesus or Christ within a wider understanding of God or Trinity, and a variety of other possible positions…”
–Nicola Slee, Seeking the Risen Christa (London: SPCK, 2011), p. 5.

All of the above, and more, is welcome at a seminar day on feminist Christologies in Australia, hosted by Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies. Post-Christian perspectives are warmly welcome alongside others that may be confessional, First Peoples, queer, native, intersectional and otherwise diverse—the crucial criteria for inclusion being that contributions must be intentionally feminist-informed.

Presentations may be either 20 or 30 minutes, followed by discussion. More information to follow. At this stage, please send enquiries and expressions of interest to Professor Stephen Burns at Pilgrim Theological College: Stephen.Burns@pilgrim.edu.au


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