The Fellowship for Biblical Studies is holding its fifth national conference from the 30th of September to the 2nd of October, 2021. This conference offers an opportunity to gather together, network, and share research in Australasia.
We are calling for 30 minute papers (to be followed by 15 minutes of discussion) for the following sessions:
- Trauma hermeneutics
- Post-colonial hermeneutics
- Ecological hermeneutics
- Orality and performance criticism
- Prophets
- Pentateuch
- Johannine studies
- Synoptic gospels
- Pauline scholarship
- Book of Revelation
- Second temple Judaism
We are also calling for short 20 minute papers for an open session on any topic related to biblical studies.
Please submit abstracts of 250 words to by 31st of May, noting which session/s best fit your paper.
Reverend Dr Robyn Whitaker is a biblical scholar and historian with a particular interest in the contemporary use (and misuse) of the Bible in debates about sexuality, gender and ethics. Robyn has research expertise in apocalypticism and the related topics of end of the world speculation, martyrdom, and images of evil. Robyn is published in the areas of the visual culture of the Graeco-Roman world, its impact on biblical rhetoric, New Testament, and Judeo-Christian apocalyptic literature.
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