The church in a post-pandemic world

The Lutheran Theological Journal (LTJ) runs themed issues to create collections of papers on specific topics. Frequently, special issues consist of invited manuscripts written specifically to focus on current issues relevant to the LCA/NZ which the editor would like to showcase.

In August 2020, a special themed issue was released on ‘The church in a post-pandemic world’. Contributions were submitted by workers across the Lutheran Church in Australia and New Zealand.

This issue is of relevance to the whole church and is made freely available in an online eResource.

In her editorial, Professor Wendy Mayer writes:

…At the time that the May edition went to press, we issued an invitation to workers across the church to submit personal reflections on the question: what will the church look like in a post-Covid-19 world? A range of more specific questions within that larger theme were offered to get them started. In this August issue we publish the bulk of those reflections. We have shortened some of them to allow as many as possible to be published together in this print edition. We encourage you to go to the ALC website to read the full-length versions, where you will find greater context for some of the articles and deeper reflection. While many of the reflections demonstrate a focus on the challenges posed by the virus to worship and what we can learn from these moving forward, others lift up issues of sustainability, the cry from many in society for the hope that the gospel provides, how we will view the command to care for our neighbour, and how the pandemic offers us time to listen to Jesus and to return to life-giving essentials. A number of reflections from workers in Lutheran schools discuss how the virus is challenging us to rethink Lutheran education. Several parishes with cross-cultural ministries share how they are responding to the challenges posed by the pandemic.’

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